Sunday, October 21, 2012

First Konapun Grail Acquired!!

This was an older post I had written over a year ago, but forgot to publish! It's not fully done, but I figure I will be moving everything to my website soon, so I will probably not be adding more to it on here.

So here it is~! ^^


So yup, my Konapun came in... got my first grail item, the Burger Kitchen!! TA-DA!! I sort of can't believe I was able to get more Konapun... it was very expensive, but now I can stop drooling over pics of them! ^^; I was surprised at the number of food powder packets included with this set. The Burger Kitchen set is generally more expensive than the Cooking Studio Kitchen set, is physically bigger (wider), and has more food powders although they make similar items: 5 burgers, 5 hot-dogs, and 2 fries (...I think) while the Cooking Studio makes more varied types of foods, but only one of each dish.

I opened everything up and here is a pic of the contents!

I didn't have time to make anything with it yet, but I couldn't wait to post a pic up after I got it! ^^;; I couldn't even wait to get my boyfriend out of view before taking the pic (haha I'm kidding, he was watching something on his comp and I didn't wanna ask him to move xD)

I really like the fryer with it's basket and strainer/shelf thingy is really cool, and I like the baking unit... it's like a fast food diner's "industry" sized oven. xD The only thing I was a little confused about was the potato mould... it's shaped with handles on the sides like how all the moulds that require "baking" are shaped, but it's too wide/long and tall to fit anywhere for baking! I guess it's just supposed to sit outside on the counter? o_O;

Overall I'm quite happy with the set, hopefully I will update this post soon with pics of burgers and fries! xD

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