Thursday, March 3, 2011

Another attempt at blogging... ^^

I was never much of a blogger... I find it hard to write and post things about myself publicly on the net. But I don't think anyone else will be really interested in reading this, so I think this will mostly be for myself and keeping track of things... kind of like the diary I used to keep. ^^;

But I suppose if anyone is reading this, I should introduce myself: I'm currently studying Graphic Design and next year is my last year in the course! Woot! I am afraid of what will be in store after I graduate though... best not to think about it! lol

I'm an avid collector of Pullips and many other things: Minidiscs, Rubber Stamps, Stickers, Stationary, Lapel Pins, 12" Doll Clothes, Miniature Stuffs (eg: Rement), Anime Paraphernalia, and possibly others... xD I enjoy playing games and I like to draw, travel, dine, and buy cute-useless things. *_* I get bored easily, am amused easily, and my worst subject in school is Geography! lol xD

I guess that's enough about me for now, if you wanna know more, just read on! I'm sure you'll be able to piece things together. x3

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