Friday, March 11, 2011

Pullip Profile - Nero Ruhe

. P R O F I L E .

. n a m e . - Nero Ruhe

. p u l l i p . t y p e . - Nero

. b i r t h d a y . - December 7 (2006)

. c o l o u r s . - Creams, Earthy colours, Greys/Black

. f o o d . - Lasagna, Carrot Sticks & Dip

. o c c u p a t i o n . - Interior Designer

. t r a i t s . - Calm, Sophisticated, Creative, Has girlish moments, Loves plants.

. h o b b i e s . - Reading, Writing, Traveling, and Gardening.

. q u i r k s . - Has to travel to a place she's never been to for vacation, once a year. =3

. f e e l . l i k e . s o . - Reading by the window seat as the train speeds past lush landscapes... Feel like so.

Nero was my second Pullip, but first one that I bought for myself, hehe. I really liked her when I saw her because she had that classy elegant look (her till coat and tights, and boots x3), and I loved the pale, almost mono-tone palette of her hair, face-up, and whole ensemble. Hien didn't like her as much, he says her face looks odd or something. ^^; But sokay, I still like you Nero! x3

. P H O T O S .

I only have some really old photos I took of Mercu off my old old old phone camera, which are kinda awful and a half, so I'm going to have to update later with some new pics. ^^;

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