Saturday, March 5, 2011

Pullip Profile - Mercu Verrassen

. P R O F I L E .

. n a m e . - Mercu Verrassen

. p u l l i p . t y p e . - Mercu

. b i r t h d a y . - November 17 (2006)

. c o l o u r s . - Purples, Blues, White

. f o o d . - Cupcakes, Apples

. o c c u p a t i o n . - Sergeant within the I.G.P. (Inter-Galactic Police)

. t r a i t s . - Clumsy, gets sidetracked, observant, vast memory, loving.

. h o b b i e s . - Movie Buff, Collects Ink Stamps, Reading mystery & detective novels.

. q u i r k s . - Talks to her food before eating it. o__o;

. f e e l . l i k e . s o . - Stop! Stay right there! +pew pew+ Ooo... a cupcake... +stops to munch+ Feel like so.

Mercu was my very first Pullip and also a gift from boyfriend Hien as an early Xmas present! She was one of the Pullips I was saving up a whole year for (I had no job then and had to pay tuition) and she was everything I hoped she'd be and more! She's super dainty and pretty~! x3 I was so surprised and so happy I couldn't wait to take her home and dress her up. =D

. P H O T O S .

I only have some really old photos I took of Mercu off my old old old phone camera, which are kinda awful and a half, so I'm going to have to update later with some new pics. ^^;

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