Monday, March 7, 2011

Motion Graphics - TV Bumper

Doing homework and I'm procrastinating a little... haha. I procrastinated all reading week! Well I thought I would post some work I've done for class and then get back to work... Really!

Here is a motion graphics commercial bumper I made for my make belief gaming TV channel: Play TV. I spent way more time on it than it looks... T____T

My teacher kinda liked it and Ghostface Pizza Kid kinda likes it too, so I guess it's a pass! =D I used After Effects to create it. Animated gifs are credited to =cezkid on Deviantart. Background music: Mega Man 2, Password theme.

If you'd like, you can follow my YouTube channel since I post everything there, but only the work I like will get another post shared here... ^^; I will post some more later on... should get some work done again. .____.;;

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