Saturday, March 5, 2011


So it was my birthday about a month ago, and Sindy brought me and my sis to this new food court she now frequents... the reason? Takoyaki. (dun Dun DUN!) Apparently they have an authentic Japanese vendor there that serves it and it's good... well according to Sindy. lol So we went and we ordered two 8-piece servings and waited. It took quite a while for them, since they make it fresh for you on the spot.

So we kinda milled around and looked at all the food stalls they had to see what other goodies were around. They had a Korean place (serving bibimbap, bolgogi, sundubu, galbi dishes, etc.), a couple of Chinese places (fried noodle, fried rice dishes), and a Congee place. The Japanese place that we ordered the Takoyaki from also had a variety of other authentic dishes: okonomiyaki, takoyaki, gyoza, ramen, udon, curry rice, korokke (croquettes), oden (pre-orders only), and another dish which I forget now, but it started with an 'M'. ^^;

All in all it seemed like a pretty tasty food court although small (only 5 different vendors). I was getting super hungry looking at all the yummy foods... but finally our takoyaki were done! I looked at my dish and the bonito were moving! It was really odd, but interesting. And that's when I pulled out my phone to take a video of it...

They were served in wooden boats made out of thin sheets of wood folded and glued together. And the verdict? Delicious. =3 I need to go back there again... get more takoyaki and maybe try their other dishes too!

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